The Importance of Customer Reviews

Importance of Customer Reviews

5 Reasons Why Customer Reviews are Important

1) Consumers are constantly using the internet to locate businesses

In 2020, 93% of consumers used the internet to find a local business, with 34% searching every day.

Having a well formatted and visible online presence is imperative to get your business seen by these potential customers. The more leads you generate, the more conversions you can make.

2) Online reviews help boost your SEO

Having positive reviews is a way to improve your website’s Search Engine visibility. The more that people discuss your brand online, the greater its visibility to Search Engines such as Google and Bing.

This can be the difference between a prospective customer viewing your website and that of your competitor.

3) 87% of people read online reviews for local businesses

A study that was carried out by BrightLocal in 2020, found that 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses – up from 81% in 2019.

Their 2022 survey then found that 73% of consumers only pay attention to reviews written in the last month.

As such, the goal should be to have frequent positive reviews on your business to better reassure prospective customers.

4) Online reviews can help to refine your offering

One of the big reasons why online reviews can be important for your business, is that they can give you a clearer understanding of what your customers want.

By taking the time to read and review the feedback, businesses can start to identify trends. These can be aspects of your products or services which are consistently given positive or negative feedback.

You can then use that information to adjust and refine that aspect of your offering so that you better meet your customers’ demands.

5) Reviews create brand loyalty

Finally, research has shown that reviews help boost customer loyalty towards a brand.

An individual who takes the time to leave a positive review about a particular business or brand is more likely to come back for more business should the need arise.


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