Will MTD for ITSA be delayed?

Will MTD be Delayed?

Will MTD for ITSA be delayed?

Whilst there has been no official confirmation from HMRC yet, a report in The Times cited three large accountancy firms who believe a delay in MTD ITSA from 2024 to 2026 was to be announced shortly.

The rumours are that the move is being considered due to a lack of progress with the IT systems and limited number of users testing the systems.

This follows a recent survey by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) and the Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT) which found that 97% did not think that MTD for ITSA, in its current form, could be introduced successfully from April 2024.

Within the survey, nearly half of respondents thought that the MTD extension should be paused and consultation undertaken on its future.

CIOT Survey Link: MTD Survey

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